Open Science Publishing in the RN Macedonia (OAMK) is aggregator for Open Access in scientific publishing in the RN Macedonia and supporting its Open Access in databases in the World (OpenAIRE, DOAJ, BASE) supported by Scientific Foundation SPIROSKI, Skopje.
Macedonian Medical Electronic Journal
Macedonian Medical Electronic Journal (MMES) is journal from the field of medicine and surrounding disciplines which publish papers from the basic medicine, clinical medicine, case reports, review articles, public health, and history of the medicine, MSc theses and PhD theses in Macedonian language. All process of submission manuscripts, reviewing, communications, deposition, reading and downloading the papers is electronic
Archives of Public Health
Archives of Public Health (Arch Pub Health) is an open access medical scientific journal published by Institute of Public Health of the Republic of North Macedonia. Arch Pub Health is an international, modern, general medical journal covering all areas in the medical sciences, from basic studies to large clinical trials and cost-effectiveness analyses. We publish mostly epidemiological and clinical human studies that are looking for etiology and epidemiology of diseases, diseases prevention, the development of prognostic and diagnostic technologies; trials that test the efficacy of specific interventions and those that compare different treatments. We aim to promote translation of basic research into clinical investigation, and of clinical evidence into practice. Our audience is the international medical community as well as educators, policy makers, patient advocacy groups, and interested members of the public around the world.